Restore a livable planet?

Beyond the practical things that need to be done, trees need heart-based and deep-soul methods in order to regain health and inner balance.

What do 1st Responders Do?
They are first on the scene when there is an emergency.  They help anyone in trouble.  

Is there a climate emergency?  Yes.  Are the trees in trouble?  YES!

They are stressed and weakened by pollution and other ecological damage.

You can be a 1st Responder for Nature Recovery.  Help Nature Begins withstand the negative effects of climate change!

You can heal them simply by whispering important instructions they need in order to recover their inner functionality.  We call them “Healing Whispers®” and there is a set of them further down in this post.  

Whispers are messages that you convey from your heart and mind.  They use the power of your intention, your desire, your focus of attention, your consciousness.  The statements are both logical and inspiring. While reading, your focused attention, intention, and bioenergy field interacts with the bioenergy fields of trees and other Nature beings.  They get new information about how to heal their inner functionality and connectivity. It’s that simple.  There are many different kinds of Healing and Climate Whispers for different problems.

Can that make a difference?  Oh, yes.  When you set your mind and heart to something, it usually comes true.  Well, with Healing Whispers, you are setting your mind and heart to help your favorite trees become healthy again.  You can make a difference in your own backyard to your own trees and make a big difference that will co-create a livable planet for yourself and future generations.  

How does it help you?  

  • You de-stress.
  • You connect deeply with Life Force.
  • Feel refreshed and empowered (no longer helpless in the face of the climate crisis.)

So here are the 5 steps to the process:

1st:  Sit or walk quietly in Nature.  Feel connected w trees and all of Nature in heart and mind, through quiet, mindful breathing and focused attention. This is de-stressing and calming.  
2nd:  Read a set of statements while you are out there in Nature.  Scroll down for the Heal EcoDamage Whispers.  
3rd:  Repeat steps 1 and 2 regularly. You will feel refreshed—able to go back into your world with renewed vigor.   It doesn’t take long and it expands your consciousness. Your attitude about your own well-being and the future of the planet may improve because you’ll know that you’ve made a difference right in your own space.  Healing and Climate Whispering can also be done with the family or in groups for peacefulness and added effectiveness.
4th:  Follow simple advice about holistic dos and don’ts for trees and ecosystems.  
5th:  Be sure to take other practical actions to reduce your carbon footprint, recycle, compost, clean-up pollution, and cut emissions.  Don’t volcano much.  Don’t put ties or bands on trees. Don’t prune more than 10% of the foliage. Do give water in heat and/or drought.  Learn how to recognize stress BEFORE the tree is too sick to save.