
Click on the link to go to the longer description of each easy way...

#1 Love Trees

First and foremost is that feeling of appreciation ...

#2 Go for Walks; Really See Trees

Go for walks in your neighborhood or a local park. Be quiet. Look at the trees. Yes, really look at them ...

#3 Recognize Trees as Living Beings

Once you appreciate and look at trees closely, it is only natural to recognize trees as living Beings...

#4 Celebrate Trees

Honor trees when you walk by them. Join with other people to appreciate ...

#5 Plant Trees

But plant the right tree in the right place, the right way. Don’t just plant what you think ...

#6 Come From the Tree’s Point of View

You have a point of view, a perspective about life that is your own. It’s how you perceive ...

#7 Do Holistic Tree Care

Just as you would want to care for yourself with ...

#8 Join the Millions of People who Talk TO and WITH Trees

Go on. Go out in your backyard or find a quiet corner of a park. Walk slowly or stand under a tree

#9 Open Up Dinner Conversations

When there is a lull in conversation, ask your friends “Do you have a favorite tree? How do you feel

#10 Speak FOR Trees

Then, take the next step:  Be a tree advocate. When trees are threatened ...

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